
3月8日は国際女性デー ( International Women’s Day ) でした。


Finland’s 36-year-old female Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, heads a governing coalition of five political parties — all led by women and almost all aged in their 30s.  It is a nation largely run by women.


This is the culmination of a national push for gender equity that started even before Finland’s independence in 1917.

culmination : 最高潮、全盛

In 1906, Finland, then a duchy of Russia, was the first country to give women full political rights to both vote and run for office. A year later, the 19 women elected to the Finnish parliament were the first female parliamentarians in the world.

duchy : 公国


The strong participation of women in decision-making has helped build a nation that ranks first among the world’s 193 nations in sustainable development, according to a 2021 United Nations report which found that Finland has achieved or nearly achieved the UN’s goals for improving health, education, water, energy, and peace, alleviating poverty and reducing inequality.

女性がもっと政治に参加し、女性が国を率いるようになれば、戦争がなくなるのではないかしら。。。と思うのも、gender equality に反する考え方でしょうか。


