Geopolitical Balancing Act
Singapore and its Southeast Asian neighbors navigate a tricky middle ground in a very tense relationship between China and the United States. (Christiane Amanpour)
navigate : (人が)なんとかしながら~を進む
We feel this troubled world in a very real sense. The war in Europe is still going on, there’s food and energy insecurity, climate change, the digital revolution, the promise and risk of AI — all these things are happening. And now more than ever before, we need global leadership. The problems are beyond that of just the United States or China or Europe. In face, you need the whole world together. (Balakrishnan)
We don’t look at the world in binary terms; being able to understand opportunities both in the West and East, in India and in Europe, is a strategic advantage for us. (Balakrishnan)
binary : 二元の、二項対立の
We understand what our long-term national interests are, and it’s not to be anybody’s vassal state of proxy. The way we navigate this nexus between the United States and China is to be straight with both of them. (Balakrishnan)
vessel state : 属国
proxy : 代理、代理人
nexus between A and B : AとBの関係
be straight with : ~に対して正直である、隠し事をしない
CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS 12月号 Newsmakers Today より