久しぶりの出会い curry favor

私の前の投稿のcurry favor 覚えていらっしゃいますか?

peter 「ピーター」と聞いたら、'Peter'と思いますよね? それが動詞だったんです。 The hot water always peters out in the middle of my shower.(ランダムハウ...

curry favor : 人の機嫌をとる、人に取り入る

久しぶりにcurry favor に出会いました。

Ishiba’s pledge to increase Japan’s investment in the United States from about $800 billion to $1 trillion and boost liquefied natural gas purchases from the world’s largest economy marked his initial effort to curry favor with Trump before building a personal relationship. (Kyodo)

Europe also could underscore its commitment to Kyiv –and curry favor with Trump –by buying U.S. military equipment to give to Ukraine, said Lord Peter Ricketts, a former U.K. national security adviser.  (AP)

みんなTrump 大統領にcurry favor してるのね。

