日本語では「週休3日」って言い方をしますが、英語では、a four-day work week ですね。
英国で、試験的にa four-day work weekが始まっています。80%の労働時間で100%の給料です。
Thousands of UK workers are starting a four-day work week from Monday with no cut to their pay in the largest trial of its kind.
The pilot, which will last for six months, involves 3,300 workers spanning 70 companies, ranging from providers of financial services to a fish-and-chip restaurant.
During the program, workers receive 100% of their pay for working only 80% of their usual week, in exchange for promising to maintain 100% of their productivity.
Until now, Iceland had conducted the biggest pilot of a shorter working week between 2015 and 2019, with 2,500 public sector workers involved in two large trials. Those trials found no corresponding drop in productivity among participants, and a dramatic increase in employee well-being.
Calls to shorten the working week have gathered steam in recent years in several countries. As millions of employees switched to remote work during the pandemic — cutting onerous commuting time and costs — calls for greater flexibility have only grown louder.
onerous : わずらわしい